Issued in the interest of Investors
Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please carefully read the scheme information and related documents before investing. Remember, past performance is not indicative of future returns. Always consider your specific investment requirements before selecting a fund or designing a portfolio that suits your needs.
All investments carry risk, and the past performance of a security or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns. Investment in securities markets involves market risks; therefore, it's essential to read all related documents carefully before investing. Please note that Mutual Funds, Insurance, Unlisted Equity, PMS, AIF, and Fixed Deposits are not Exchange-traded products, and InvestMyFunds is acting solely as a distributor. Any disputes related to the distribution activity will not have access to Exchange Investor Redressal Forum or Arbitration mechanisms. InvestMyFunds, a registered member of AMFI (ARN – 143180) VARDHMAN BIMA AGENTS PRIVATE LIMITED, operates from its registered office at VARDHMAN BIMA AGENTS PRIVATE LIMITED, Ground Floor, 03-04, Pragati Deep Building, 9 District Centre, Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092
InvestMyFunds serves as a financial services intermediary and is engaged as a distributor of financial products & services through strategic distribution partnerships. Customers are advised to review products & features thoroughly before investing, as the terms of product rates may change over time. InvestMyFunds holds no liability for any loss or damage arising from investments in these products. Investments in Equity, Mutual funds,Currency, Futures & Options are subject to market risk. Clients should carefully read the Risk Disclosure Document issued by SEBI & relevant exchanges, along with the terms and conditions before investing.
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